
Showing posts from December, 2019

All you Need to Know About Hydrogen Gas Generator

Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, highly flammable gas. It consists of two hydrogen atoms joined by a single bond. Dihydrogen serves a number of purposes as it acts as an antioxidant, as an electron donor, as a fuel, as a human metabolite and as an important component of food packaging gas. The most important chemical property of hydrogen is that it supports combustion, it burns with oxygen to form water, H2O. Hydrogen gas is often regarded as efficient future energy because of its ability to get converted into usable power form, lower pollution causing rate and high energy production. The hydrogen gas does not naturally occur on the earth's surface and needs to be manufactured. In industries large scale production of hydrogen gas is carried by the process of steam reforming, this process separates hydrogen and carbon from hydrocarbon fuels. In laboratories, hydrogen gas is used for various applications like in Gas Chromatography (GC), as a carrier gas and in...