
Showing posts from October, 2021

To Understand the Working of the Fused silica Capillary Column

Conventionally stainless steel columns and glass columns were being used for the manufacturing of capillary columns, but they were having below drawbacks that catalyzed the introduction of fused silica columns:- Problems in stainless steel-made columns- Different compounds like amines, free acids, steroids, etc are highly reactive to stainless steel and the efficiency of these columns is also very low.  Problems in glass-made columns- As the nature of glass is fragile, the glass-made columns are very delicate and due to this handling is very precarious. Since its introduction in 1979, the  Fused silica capillary column   is made extensively by  GC Column Manufacturers .   Technically when on a high purity synthetic quartz a polyamide coating is applied on the outer surface, it is known as fused silica. These columns have characteristic features like low reactivity, high flexibility as compared to other columns, and high physical strength. As there is polyamide coating on the capillary